Yael Olive Oil 250ml


코셔 유기농 엑스트라 버전 올리브 오일의 효능은 높은 항산화 성분인 리놀레인산. 칼슘 철 비타민 A.C.E 있고 항산화 성분이 높아서 각종 질병을 예방합니다.

또한 몸속에 유해산소를 차단하고 세포의 손상을 보호해주고 활성산소를 중화시켜서 암을 예방하고 종양을 예방 합니다 혈당수치와 인슐린 수치를 조절해주며 콜레스테롤 수치를 낮춰주고 혈관을 젊게 만들어 줍니다.

심혈관질환의 요인중 하나인 혈압을 낮추는데 효능이 있습니다. 또한 풍부한 칼슘이 있어서 뼈 건강에 좋고 항염 소염 진통효과도 있습니다.

SKU: YOO250-1 Category:

Ste Boker Olive Oil

Ste Boker Negev Olive Oil is a world-class organic olive oil produced in the Negev Desert of Israel, certified kosher.
Yael Olive Oil is produced at the Ste Boker farm in the Negev Desert, where the olives are grown.
The olives grown in the Ste Boker Desert are known for their exceptional health benefits and taste, considered the best in Israel.
Ste Boker Olive Oil, produced at an altitude of 400 meters in the Negev Desert, contains the highest levels of antioxidants, making it one of the finest health foods available.
The Negev Desert offers the perfect combination of climate, soil, sunlight, and wind, ensuring the best quality in the world.
Olive oil with a high antioxidant content has a sharp, bitter taste and a strong aroma.

The Steboker Olive Farm produces olive oil using the cold-press method immediately after harvest, in a facility registered with the US FDA. We ensure the preservation of the highest quality and nutrients, striving to provide a health food that benefits the body.

The Ste Boker Kosher Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil contains high levels of antioxidants such as linoleic acid, calcium, iron, and vitamins A, C, and E. These antioxidants help prevent various diseases.
It also blocks harmful free radicals in the body, protects cells from damage, and neutralizes active oxygen, which helps prevent cancer and tumors. It regulates blood sugar and insulin levels, lowers cholesterol, and helps keep blood vessels youthful. Additionally, it is effective in lowering blood pressure, a key factor in cardiovascular diseases.
The oil’s high calcium content supports bone health, and it also has anti-inflammatory, anti-swelling, and pain-relieving effects.

Experience the best taste and preserve the high nutritional value of Steboker Kosher Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil today!

Yael is committed to the health of your family.

When Yael makes it, it’s different!

How to Use
Take 1-2 teaspoons once or twice a day on an empty stomach for health benefits.
Use it in salads or in various dishes.

Storage Instructions
Store in a cool, dark place away from sunlight.




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